10 amazing things that happen when you get comfortable in your relationship
Most of the time when you tell people that you're comfortable in your relationship they look at you like you have a sign on your forehead that reads "I'm a blasted idiot." I have no idea why that always comes with some sort of negative connotation but people never cease to amaze me with the foolishness. Getting past the honeymoon phase and into the "we" phase doesn't mean any less excitement- in fact, It's pretty awesome. If you've been in a long-term relationship then you know exactly what I mean. So, here are 10 pretty cool things that happen when you get comfortable in your relationship!
1. You eat like a human, and not a pigeon. The days of worrying if you have food on your face are totally over. You've learned that eating like a normal person is ACCEPTABLE. He won't judge you or your obnoxiously large burger. You can kiss those salads goodbye!
2. You can show off your silly side. If cracking inappropriate jokes is your thing, you no longer have to hide it. The things that make you odd or goofy are a part of your charm. He has already fallen in love with you and all of your silliness.
3. You can pee with the door open. Now I know this may possibly sound gross to a single person, but believe it or not it's quite common. How else are you supposed to hear what your partner is saying when you're on the toilet?
4. He isn't ashamed to purchase your pads or tampons. You no longer have to shy away from the period conversation. He isn't embarrassed to help you out in your time of need; just like you aren't embarrassed to purchase his monthly playboy magazine. Team work at its finest.
5. He has your Netflix password. We all know how special that $7 membership with Netflix is. Giving him access to the Netflix queue is like giving him your car keys...for an entire week. It's a big deal people.
6. You pass gas in front of each other...all of the time. The days of holding it in are long gone...just let it go.
7. He's seen you barefaced. You no longer have to try at every moment to be the perfect version of yourself. Nine times out of ten, when he comes over you're in a T-shirt and sweats. Naturally beautiful. Plus when he wakes up next to you he won't have to wonder "wth happened to the girl from last night." Ha! Keep it classy!
8. TMI (too much information.) You constantly over share. At the end of each day he's able to tell you how many times you've gone to the bathroom. Makes for interesting conversation...doesn't it?
9. You go dutch. The guy-always-pays scenario no longer applies to you. You pick up the tab every now and then because you got it like that... you take care of your boo!
10. You can state how you feel without turning it into an argument. You've learned how to communicate your problems without hurting each other's feelings. Remember PROPER communication is the key to a successful relationship.
Images: (Dallasblack)
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