Oh snap!
Before we get into anything i just want to wish you guys a
I know I've been MIA, but that's due to the fact that ya girl is finally moving up in the world, look at God! After graduation, I had a series of temp positions - that for some reason never led to permanent placement. Why? I have no idea, I happen to think I'm pretty amazing. Anyhow, I moved from job to job, saved money, and continued to put my resume out there and hope for the best. Fast forward - a friend of mine informed me that his job (a charter school) was hiring. Of course, I moved quickly, filled out the application, yada yada yada. After interviewing with the school, I was very confident that I got the job - and by the grace of GOD I finally got the phone call that I had been waiting for, for at least a year and a half.
"We would like to offer you the position" Guys, I almost fell out, I was so excited.
I, Shadaé Williams finally have a permanent FULLTIME position. Yes!
*clicks heels*
After my first week at the school, I realized that I would honestly never really have the chance to be bored. Which is ... shocking to say the least. There is always something to be done. Whether its, escorting kids to the nurse, monitoring hallways, talking to scholars who may be struggling in certain classes, the time spent at the job is always worth while. I feel as though this is a great opportunity because one of my goals in life is to become a teacher. BOOM! This is totally a stepping stone. Moving from one job to the next is never fun, what's even worse is when you have a job that you honestly care nothing about. You know how it is, you work in an office pushing paper all day and slowly start to realize that that specific job isn't something you want to do for the rest of your life. Waking up in the morning to go to a job you hate sucks, literally. I'm sure we've all been through this at one point in our fantastical lives. ;)
Well, so far so good! I've been there for about a month and It's been pretty great. I'm in the process of getting to know the kids and enforce my "authority." The only drawback is waking up at 5:30 AM. Lord... it's a struggle. In the short time that I've been there I've managed to build and maintain relationships with numerous students. Honestly, that is the best part of my job - the student interaction. Though there are times when they may or may not test my patience... I still truly enjoy my job. Besides the student interaction, building and maintaining relationships with my co-workers have been eventful as well. Hearing stories about things that took place before my arrival, or student shenanigans that occured always make for interesting conversation. Walking through the hallways cause me to reminice about my old highschool days. This position is literally like being on the other side. I now know about everything that happens within the walls of the scghool. Remember when you were in highschool and you heard that so and so were beefing about something, but you could never get all the details? Every time you walked into the office the people in there would immediatly stop talking about it and you would think to yourself "what in the hell is going on here?!" Well ladies and gentleman, ask me because I know. Ha! I know that sounds a little lame but i don't care, lol.
Thanks for checking in! I'll definitely post up dates about the job every now and then. Once again,