Gorgeous black men and women flaunt their looks with #FlexinMyComplexsion

In a society where beauty standards are associated with Eurocentric ideals, these lovely men and women have taken to Twitter to show the world that they love the skin they're in. In most cases, darker skin complexions aren't considered "beautiful" which is ridiculous, but it seems as though this generation is working hard to change that mentality. 

A group of black women have made it their mission to redefine beauty on their own terms with their hashtag #FlexinMyComplexsion. The idea of flexin your melanin has been around for a few months, but #FlexinMyComplexsion has gained more than 85,000 tweets after POCBeauty requested that their 26,000 followers use the hashtag and submit photos of themselves embracing their darker skin. 

Now, one would thnk that everyone would be supportive of this awesome new hashtag,but ironically enough, some white women used the hashtag to express that they didn't like or appreciate the fact that it excluded them. *sighs* 

Despite the criticism, the amazing tweets exhibit the beautiful and various shades of melanin. Check out a few of the tweets below. 

Images: (youtube,twitter) 

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