College Trips and Fancy Things!
Before we start I just have to say how proud I am of my babies! They were well behaved and interested in campus life! Mind you some of them complained about attending in the first place - of course, but at the end of the trip they were all smiles.
Picture this: A bus full of 40 scholars ready to embark on their first or second college trip. Enduring the sounds of constant chatter, cackling, snoring, and possible bits of teenage drama. Now, your average person would be full of complaints and deep sighs, but I LOVED IT - as strange as that might sound. Why? You're probably asking -
1. Road trips are awesome
2. Who wouldn't be excited about a college trip - a trip that gives you a reason to not be stuck in a building with abnormally hyper children ALL DAY...Hummm??
Why are College trips important?
College Trips are a fundamental part of high school life. It gives scholars an opportunity to experience the world of academia outside of the walls of their high school. Now in some case scenarios certain scholars are adamant about not attending a college or University. Yet, they find themselves on these "mandatory trips" and are intrigued by the idea of college life. Surprisingly enough, they are usually the scholars who ask the most questions. Ironic ... isn't it?
With that said, my babies recently attended a college trip to Albany University SUNY
Though some of the scholars complained about visiting a SUNY University they still managed to enjoy themselves. We arrived at the School around 9am, split into two groups, and headed our separate ways. Now of course the boys spent a bit of time looking for the "Jawns" but such is life lol..hormones man.
Long story short - they all loved it. A few of them plan on applying there in September - mission accomplished!
As we strolled around campus I found the time to snap a couple flicks. Check them out below!

Taken after eating the college out of house and home. Once they found out it was "buffet style" they lost their minds. The amount of plates devoured per student was ridiculous. I was all too convinced the bathroom on the bus wouldn't make back to Brooklyn in one piece.

Side note: Yes, I rocked my Morgan Sweater at their campus. Shameful? Absolutely not - I represent at ALL TIMES. Anyhow, look how happy they are. Perhaps it was the food...

The GQ TEAM. I need ya'll to know I took these pics with my Samsung 6 Edge Plus. The camera though... HELLO! People - hop aboard the Samsung train, because these cameras are everything!
All in all, it was great trip, they enjoyed themselves and I enjoyed the food (don't judge me). September should be a very productive month for all of our future seniors. A year full of memories and accomplishments. Let's go HUM III!
(Images: Gify)
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