5 Reasons your Best friend is the best wing woman you'll EVER have!

5 Reasons your Best friend is the best wing woman you'll EVER have!

27th June2015
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5 Reasons your Best friend is the best wing woman you'll EVER have!  Image
When stepping out for a night on the town, you never leave home without that one important thing: your wing woman/women - otherwise known as your best friend(s). Guys constantly rely on their wing man to help them score some tale for the night. Though wing women tend to do the same, they also guide you through your

10 amazing things that happen when you get comfortable in your relationship

10 amazing things that happen when you get comfortable in your relationship

25th June2015
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10 amazing things that happen when you get comfortable in your relationship  Image
Most of the time when you tell people that you're comfortable in your relationship they look at you like you have a sign on your forehead that reads "I'm a blasted idiot." I have no idea why that always comes with some sort of negative connotation but people never cease to amaze me with the foolishness. Getting past

Would you stay with a cheater?

Would you stay with a cheater?

25th June2015
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Would you stay with a cheater?  Image
You just found out that your partner has been cheating on you. What's your first move? Before you start chucking shit out of the window and setting things ablaze...what is cheating? According to our good friends at Urban Dictionary, cheating can be described as:  Someone who is in a committed relationship and breaks the trust of his or her partner by

Men's Fashion Part III - Casual Wear

Men's Fashion Part III - Casual Wear

24th June2015
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Men's Fashion Part III - Casual Wear Image
Welcome back Sassy ' N ' New York lovers! This weeks post is centered around casual wear. This sort of street style comes in various forms. Initially, it depends on your definition of casual and the way you feel that day. For example, you're running to the store, going shopping around your neighborhood, running errands etc. What do