Fan made teaser for Lemony Snicket's 'A series of unfortunate events' is AWESOME!

Fan made teaser for Lemony Snicket's 'A series of unfortunate events' is AWESOME!

06th July2015
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Fan made teaser for Lemony Snicket's 'A series of unfortunate events' is AWESOME! Image
All hail Netflix!!  Well... the Fan who made the trailer that everyone assumed was real. Ha!  This fan made trailer for the TV adaptation of Lemony Snicket's awesome A Series of Unfortunate Events novels, is amazing. The teaser includes scenery from most of the 13 novels, which suggests that the series will include the entire book series. If

Miguel releases sexy short film for three 'Wildheart' tracks!

Miguel releases sexy short film for three 'Wildheart' tracks!

05th July2015
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Miguel releases sexy short film for three 'Wildheart' tracks!  Image
The sexiness continues following Miguel's latest visual release. In support of his third studio album Wildheart, the sexy Cali native revisited his home-state to shoot a 13 minute video for a few of the tracks on the album, "Coffee",  "NWA" and ".... going to hell."  The "short film" features a model by the name of Kota, who was