Thirst Trap 101
Thirsty: Someone who is too eager to get something especially play (sexual relations)- Urban Dictionary
Interest: Something that concerns, involves, draws the attention of, or arouses the curiosity of a person. - Dictionary.comApparently liking someone or giving them an innocent compliment deems you thirsty in today's day and age. Naturally to sensible people that concept makes no sense and is absolutely pointless.
People are considered thirsty by the way they go about giving someone a "compliment" or at least their version of a compliment. Based on some of the Instagram photos I've seen men are out of control with their "COMPLIMENT comments." I spend a good deal of time on Insta cracking up at the nonsense in my timeline. BUT men aren't the only thirsty ones. Some women post pictures of ass and titties all day, and then have the nerve to complain about some of the comments they receive. In this case, I guess some women are the "thirst traps" but women can be thirsty in different ways as well.
Lets tackle thirsty women first.
Ladies, you know you're thirsty when you offer to cook or bring dinner to his place for the first date. If you've been dating for a while and you cook for him often then okay fine, but if not...girl, where are you going? The first thing that runs through his mind is that you're trying to get some... forget the dinner! Ya thirsty.. Stop it.
Ladies you know you're thirsty when you call a man too many times and end up texting him "Did you get my call?" Honestly, you know he got the call. Who doesn't have their phone on them 90% of the time? If you constantly text "I haven't heard from you in a while" or "I guess you're busy" you're being thirsty. Have several seats and relax. He got your calls and texts, but he just doesn't want to talk to you.
...You'll be fine.
Let's move along to the men.
Besides their Instagram shenanigans, men can express their "thirst" in different ways. For example,
Fellas, you know your thirsty when you call a woman three times within a five minute period.
Stalker much? Not only does it come across as hasty but it's just weird. What could you possibly need especially if you just met her? If you're injured or dying there is no reason to call her that many times. If you're having a crises call 911!
<-- Did you peep his comment though? lmao he is extra confident. They had to resize the diamond.. lol okay sir.
Let's move along to the men.
Besides their Instagram shenanigans, men can express their "thirst" in different ways. For example,
Fellas, you know your thirsty when you call a woman three times within a five minute period.
Stalker much? Not only does it come across as hasty but it's just weird. What could you possibly need especially if you just met her? If you're injured or dying there is no reason to call her that many times. If you're having a crises call 911!
Fellas, you know you thirsty when you do things like this ...
Whenever the ladies walk by you guys never fail to stop what you're doing and stare. Can we walk in peace? Gosh lol. The guy on the bike though.. a hot mess!Typical, in the midst of a conversation you guys always find the time to stare at some woman's ass. #MESSY But this guy is hilarious.
He is too much! When trying to be smooth goes terribly wrong. Fellas, take note! This is what can happen if you're paying too much attention to a female and not enough attention to where you're going. I know we all know someone who embarrassed themselves by trying to be smooth. All that head nodding and he's left with no phone number and back pain.. tsk tsk lol.
Social Media
If you browse around Facebook or Instagram I guarantee you will see some nonsense in the comments section. I took to Bossip to find some interesting photos. Here's what I found:
Sure he does...
Honestly, how do they come up with this stuff?
Right, because thats totally normal...
If you're interested in warm drinks I would suggest tea. It's a bit healthier than that good ol urine!
This guy has taken awkward comments to another level. That is such a mess... literally. Ha! But seriously this guy is something else.
Which brings us to that good ol Thirst Trap. Ladies, posting pictures of all your goodies is no bueno. It leaves nothing to the imagination! Now we all know what you're working with, whether we wanted to know or not. I cannot tell you how tired I am of seeing twerk videos. Can you do anything else besides twerk? Can you draw, sing, tap... anything? Listen, I'm not against a good twerk every now and then, but if you're going to twerk for someone twerk for your man not the entire Facebook community! Get it together. PLEASE.
The ridiculous comments men post stem from the content that the ladies share. I guess I kind of get it, you love your bodies and you decide that you want to share that with the world, fine. To each his own right? There have been plenty of times where I've seen a woman in a bikini on Insta and thought to myself 'oh she's cute, I wonder where she got that bathing suit from'. I am not against bikini pics, I have a bunch of them myself. What I DON'T understand is the need for pictures such as this:
I guess we couldn't appreciate just how "sexy" her swim suit was if we saw it from the front. My question is, how can women be upset about inappropriate comments under their pictures when this is all their page consists of? Everywhere we look ass and titties ass ass and titties.
He is too much! When trying to be smooth goes terribly wrong. Fellas, take note! This is what can happen if you're paying too much attention to a female and not enough attention to where you're going. I know we all know someone who embarrassed themselves by trying to be smooth. All that head nodding and he's left with no phone number and back pain.. tsk tsk lol.
Social Media
If you browse around Facebook or Instagram I guarantee you will see some nonsense in the comments section. I took to Bossip to find some interesting photos. Here's what I found:

Sure he does...
Honestly, how do they come up with this stuff?
Right, because thats totally normal...
If you're interested in warm drinks I would suggest tea. It's a bit healthier than that good ol urine!

Which brings us to that good ol Thirst Trap. Ladies, posting pictures of all your goodies is no bueno. It leaves nothing to the imagination! Now we all know what you're working with, whether we wanted to know or not. I cannot tell you how tired I am of seeing twerk videos. Can you do anything else besides twerk? Can you draw, sing, tap... anything? Listen, I'm not against a good twerk every now and then, but if you're going to twerk for someone twerk for your man not the entire Facebook community! Get it together. PLEASE.
The ridiculous comments men post stem from the content that the ladies share. I guess I kind of get it, you love your bodies and you decide that you want to share that with the world, fine. To each his own right? There have been plenty of times where I've seen a woman in a bikini on Insta and thought to myself 'oh she's cute, I wonder where she got that bathing suit from'. I am not against bikini pics, I have a bunch of them myself. What I DON'T understand is the need for pictures such as this:
I guess we couldn't appreciate just how "sexy" her swim suit was if we saw it from the front. My question is, how can women be upset about inappropriate comments under their pictures when this is all their page consists of? Everywhere we look ass and titties ass ass and titties.
<-- Did you peep his comment though? lmao he is extra confident. They had to resize the diamond.. lol okay sir.
Tell me, does this picture make any sense to you? Obviously no one cares about the question she's asking when all we see is her half nakedness. Honestly, what is the point of that? Did any of you notice her hair? Smh pure nonsense.
He/she is Generally Interested
Don't confuse casual conversations with thirst. If a man texts you good morning, or asks you how your day is going, or what you like to do for fun; don't automatically categorize him as a thirst bucket. Those types of questions happen in the "getting to know you" phase. There's nothing stalkerish about that I promise.
If a woman asks what you like to do and offers to participate in the activity with you, don't automatically assume she's trying to change her life to please you and your likes. No. 9 times out of 10 she's generally trying to see what you're about. It's normal.
Bottom Line:
Just because a man or woman flirts with you doesn't mean they're thirsty, that's natural. When someone has no intention of taking the time to get to know you and constantly badgers you with sexual innuendo THAT'S THIRST. But here's some food for thought..
Everyone wants love, but the moment you lower your values and forfeit your morals, just so you're able to say "he/she is mine", you have officially become the WORST kind of thirsty...I'll just let that marinate.
Images (Vine, Giphy, Popsugar, Globalgrind, Complex, Bossip, Moremuffinentertainment, Vibe)
Don't confuse casual conversations with thirst. If a man texts you good morning, or asks you how your day is going, or what you like to do for fun; don't automatically categorize him as a thirst bucket. Those types of questions happen in the "getting to know you" phase. There's nothing stalkerish about that I promise.
If a woman asks what you like to do and offers to participate in the activity with you, don't automatically assume she's trying to change her life to please you and your likes. No. 9 times out of 10 she's generally trying to see what you're about. It's normal.
Bottom Line:
Just because a man or woman flirts with you doesn't mean they're thirsty, that's natural. When someone has no intention of taking the time to get to know you and constantly badgers you with sexual innuendo THAT'S THIRST. But here's some food for thought..
Everyone wants love, but the moment you lower your values and forfeit your morals, just so you're able to say "he/she is mine", you have officially become the WORST kind of thirsty...I'll just let that marinate.
Images (Vine, Giphy, Popsugar, Globalgrind, Complex, Bossip, Moremuffinentertainment, Vibe)
Funny but true the thirst is real for both men and women. It is so sad , what length both men and women would go through to get attention, instragram likes and to hit it . But, I guess its just life now, the new generation is getting out of hand and desperate
I know, some people just do too much. I think females forget that they can be sexy with clothes on. It makes no sense, it's just sad. Smh a mess
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