VMAs: Nicki Minaj & Miley Cyrus Fiasco
I stopped covering "celebrity news" because you can literally find that on any website on the internet, but I just had to talk about this. Before we get started...
Disclaimer: I am not saying all white people are like Miley Cyrus, or that everyone should handle similar situations the way Nicki Minaj did. The following is my opinion on this specific incident.
Back story: In case you have no idea what the beef was about, check out Miley's interview with the New York Times that started it all. This is a prime example of why you shouldn't talk shit, you just might get called out on national television.. tsk tsk.
"What did you make of the Nicki Minaj controversy around the V.M.A.s — that she was upset “Anaconda” wasn’t nominated for Video of the Year?
I saw that. I didn’t really get into it. I know there was some beef. I don’t really know. There’s a way to talk to people ...
Do you know what she said?
She was saying that everyone was white and blonde that got nominated, I heard? And then Taylor Swift butted in.
She may have alluded to “Wrecking Ball” also, saying that when a naked white girl breaks a Vevo record she gets nominated.
I didn’t follow it. You know what I always say? Not that this is jealousy, but jealousy does the opposite of what you want it to — that’s a yoga mantra. People forget that the choices that they make and how they treat people in life affect you in a really big way. If you do things with an open heart and you come at things with love, you would be heard and I would respect your statement. But I don’t respect your statement because of the anger that came with it. And it’s not anger like, “Guys, I’m frustrated about some things that are a bigger issue.” You made it about you. Not to sound like a bitch, but that’s like, “Eh, I didn’t get my V.M.A.”
But she was ——
If you want to make it about race, there’s a way you could do that. But don’t make it just about yourself. Say: “This is the reason why I think it’s important to be nominated. There’s girls everywhere with this body type."
I think she did say that ——
What I read sounded very Nicki Minaj, which, if you know Nicki Minaj is not too kind. It’s not very polite. I think there’s a way you speak to people with openness and love. You don’t have to start this pop star against pop star war. It became Nicki Minaj and Taylor in a fight, so now the story isn’t even on what you wanted it to be about. Now you’ve just given E! News “Catfight! Taylor and Nicki Go at It.” I know you can make it seem like, Oh I just don’t understand because I’m a white pop star. I know the statistics. I know what’s going on in the world. But to be honest, I don’t think MTV did that on purpose."
Okay, so Miley has some good points, I agree that everyone should be mindful of the way they speak to one another, and vice versa. BUT people should also be mindful of the fact that what you say about others can definitely come back and bite you in the ass.
Nicki is older than Miley so of course society expects her to handle situations in a "mature" manner. Yes, she is an extremely successful and talented artist who was receiving an award, and probably should have enjoyed her moment.
But I'm glad she called Miley out on her shit. - I believe we can all agree that Miley learned something last night. Yes, Indeed.

I commend Nicki for speaking her truth, and expressing how she felt about not being nominated. Maybe she could have handled it differently but thousands of kids were able to identify with her - not just for not being white and the subtle racism so many of us encounter every day, but because the other person spewing the racism always tells you that you're making it about race, and you're the messed up one. Ironic isn't it?
Now, Miley took it upon herself to comment about a culture and a struggle she is currently appropriating - but that's another story for another day. Even if we ignore her appropriating antics does she have the right to comment on something she will never truly understand? I don't think so. Don't get me wrong I like Miley, to an extent - but she's quickly pushing her luck.
S/N: Look at her reaction to Nicki calling her out. She said, "what?"...HUH? She didn't know what to do, what to say, how to stand, where to look... smh a mess. Honestly, I think she was just as shocked as the rest of us.
If Nicki had spoken to her privately, this issue would have flown over the radar - none of us would have heard anything about it. I believe in this situation Nicki was standing up for herself and an ethical ideal - just in an aggressive way. Cultural appropriation was mentioned earlier and I will definitely cover that on another day in a different post. Trust and believe - I HAVE A LOT TO SAY.
What do you guys think about last night's events?
Sound off in the comments.

Images: (Usmagazine,gify,vine-spenceralthouse)
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