We're not dating we're talking part II
This is a continuation from the last post "We're not dating we're talking..what the hell does that mean?" Now, if you agreed with the description of talking that I explained in that post, then cool that makes sense. Just remember that there are two sides to a coin. The positive outlook is that you're getting to know someone and you guys are hitting it off...
BUT worst case scenario talking could be nothing more than a manipulators subtly way of telling you that you are basically their sex buddy.
Now I know some of you are probably hitting me with all types of side eyes..but hear me out! Some people are wicked enough to keep you around for one purpose... and one purpose only. THAT SHOULDN'T BE NEWS TO ANYONE but if it is then welcome to the real world. Things can get very complicated and awkward when one person is more attached than the other, especially if the person that they're attached to feels absolutely no emotional connection to them. That sucks.
95% of the time the 'talking situation-ship' is dominated by the person with the constant need for control... they run everything. For example purposes we'll call this person Larry. 9 times out of 10 Larry will not take you anywhere, you won't meet his friends or family, or anything else that should "normally" happen in a "relationship".
Try to look at it this way, if a person really likes you and thinks you're all that and a bag of chips, why wouldn't they want to show you off to the world? Why would they keep you cooped up and force you to watch annoying Netflix movies, and eat pizza...INDOORS?

It's the oldest trick in the book. Now, when you finally wake up and realize that you're being played you'll hear that one CLASSIC line "ugh..we're just talking". Ha! This allows Larry to leave you awestruck and twisting in the wind. Larry won't feel bad because you both never really said what you two were to each other until it came time to cut the other person off. Cunning, isn't it?
Situations like this are way too common, especially within this generation. The lack of communication is the trademark of a situation-ship. If nothing is defined then how do you expect to know where you stand with the other person. I guarantee you Larry likes it that way. He knows the other person no matter how powerful they think they are, will be far too fearful to actually incite the "where do we stand?" conversation.
Dating should be described as auditioning different people to see which can best play the roll of your significant other.
With that said, keep this in mind... just because you went on a couple of dates with someone does NOT give you the right to claim them publicly. Stop doing that shit.
Dating is literally one step above talking in the totem of dating language... it's not really much of an improvement for some people. You can date as many people as you want because you're not obligated to any of them. Keep in mind what I said earlier..
Until you hear someone say "we go together" and their actions match that statement, you are single.
Think before you act people! Just because you hook up with someone doesn't mean that you're dating them. Hooking up is a broad term, but generally it refers to casual encounters. I repeat CASUAL ENCOUNTERS...don't get it twisted.
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Images: (Thinksoul25, Giphy)
Real Talk
BUT worst case scenario talking could be nothing more than a manipulators subtly way of telling you that you are basically their sex buddy.
Now I know some of you are probably hitting me with all types of side eyes..but hear me out! Some people are wicked enough to keep you around for one purpose... and one purpose only. THAT SHOULDN'T BE NEWS TO ANYONE but if it is then welcome to the real world. Things can get very complicated and awkward when one person is more attached than the other, especially if the person that they're attached to feels absolutely no emotional connection to them. That sucks.
95% of the time the 'talking situation-ship' is dominated by the person with the constant need for control... they run everything. For example purposes we'll call this person Larry. 9 times out of 10 Larry will not take you anywhere, you won't meet his friends or family, or anything else that should "normally" happen in a "relationship".
Try to look at it this way, if a person really likes you and thinks you're all that and a bag of chips, why wouldn't they want to show you off to the world? Why would they keep you cooped up and force you to watch annoying Netflix movies, and eat pizza...INDOORS?

It's the oldest trick in the book. Now, when you finally wake up and realize that you're being played you'll hear that one CLASSIC line "ugh..we're just talking". Ha! This allows Larry to leave you awestruck and twisting in the wind. Larry won't feel bad because you both never really said what you two were to each other until it came time to cut the other person off. Cunning, isn't it?
Situations like this are way too common, especially within this generation. The lack of communication is the trademark of a situation-ship. If nothing is defined then how do you expect to know where you stand with the other person. I guarantee you Larry likes it that way. He knows the other person no matter how powerful they think they are, will be far too fearful to actually incite the "where do we stand?" conversation.
Is dating any better than a talking situation-ship? For some people its fantastic. Talking leads to dating and eventually they skip off into the sunset and live happily ever after, but for others...not so much.
Dating should be described as auditioning different people to see which can best play the roll of your significant other.
With that said, keep this in mind... just because you went on a couple of dates with someone does NOT give you the right to claim them publicly. Stop doing that shit.
Dating is literally one step above talking in the totem of dating language... it's not really much of an improvement for some people. You can date as many people as you want because you're not obligated to any of them. Keep in mind what I said earlier..
Until you hear someone say "we go together" and their actions match that statement, you are single.
Think before you act people! Just because you hook up with someone doesn't mean that you're dating them. Hooking up is a broad term, but generally it refers to casual encounters. I repeat CASUAL ENCOUNTERS...don't get it twisted.
So the lesson for the day is, be mindful of how people treat you when you're "talking" to them, stop trying to claim everyone that you've gone on a date with etc.
Side note: The worst thing you can do is walk around and call someone your ex knowing damn well you only went out with them twice, had a little chipotle, and saw a movie. Not only is that delusional but it's messy as hell. We gotta do better people!
What do you think?
Sound off in the comments!!
Images: (Thinksoul25, Giphy)
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